Thursday, July 14, 2016

Catching up

We had the opportunity of going to this national park for a senior missionary conference.  It was a great time to be away from all the hustle and bustle.  There are 9 missionary couples in the Thailand Bangkok Mission.  2 couples serve in Laos and one couple in Myanmar.  One couple serves in Eastern Thailand, 4 couples in the service center in Bangkok, and us in northwestern Thailand.  We stayed in a very nice hotel
This is a view of the grounds and some of the buildings that you can stay in.  It has an old English theme.  We stayed here for 2 days.  It was good to receive counsel from President Johnson and to discuss what everyone is doing and how they are doing it.  We do not get to see these couples very often.  Maybe once every few months.

This is a view from inside the national park looking towards the valley that we stayed in.  It is very lush and green.  It is the rainy season so we are getting plenty of water right now.  We were able to go on a night safari one of the nights.  It was nice to get in the back of a pickup and go out with a spot light to see what animals could be found.  We saw a lot of deer and quite a few other animals that are hard to explain because I have never seen them before.  They were the size of raccoons and large cats.  There were elephants but they do not come out at night.

        Taking it easy in the park.  This is a bench to take a rest on the way to the waterfall.  Looks like Sister Barlow is give out in this one!


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