Sunday, April 10, 2016

Life In Thailand

This guys specialty is noodles.  The pictures of the dishes you can get are on the side.

This is the local Laundromat.  Just out on the sidewalk.  20 baht is about $.75

This is a power pole where everything comes together.  How would you like to keep track of your electricity?

This is at the tiger kingdom.  I think she is pretty brave.  She loved being with them and stroking their soft fur.  Good thing they were not hungry at the time.


This is called a red truck.  This is one way you can get around.  We loaded 8 Elders, 4 Sisters, the Mission President and his wife, and Elder and Sister Barlow all in one.  Three of the elders stood on the back.  We took it from the church to tiger kingdom and back and he waited for us while we were there for $47.

This is the Thailand Bangkok Mission Presidency.  This is a rare opportunity to be together because we are all in different places in the country.  From left: President Wongsagorn (lives in the Eastern part of Thailand), President Johnson (Mission President), and Elder Barlow.

The weather is really hot.  It is still really smoky from all of the fires that they have going to burn off the old crops.  We love the work and love the people.  The language is coming along fine.  Sometimes it is like the Holy Ghost just opens up your brain and pours some words in so you can understand what is going on.  It is fun going with the sisters and the elders to visit and teach.  Sister Barlow is such a trooper.  She will sit there and listen and watch and without being told what has been said, she knows what she needs to share.  The church is true and families can be forever!

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