Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Brother Prod's place for fishing 1-16-2017

These are pics from a p-day that we had at a members house in the mountains.  The Elders really wanted to go fishing and the Sisters were good sports about going and just enjoying the relaxing time by the ponds and the creek.  No one caught a fish with a pole, so they tried their hand at the net.  Success!!  They caught 2 big ones and 6 smaller ones.  The two big ones they barbecued.  To prepare them, they rub them down with a big grain salt.  They put lemon grass, garlic, and onion down the throat and put them on the grill.  If you couldn't tell, he did not clean the fish.  It went on whole.  The smaller fish they made a soup with them.  They did clean them first and then put them in the water with some spices.  It was so delicious!  Needless to say it all got eaten.  The two big ones were very very tasty.  Even with all the salt that is put on the outside, they were not salty tasting at all.  I wish I could have this yard exported to home. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

4 January 2017

 This was my breakfast one morning.  Fresh snail.  Not really.  It happened to be moving along outside our gate.  It was the biggest snail that I have ever seen.  I don't know where it crawled to but when I came back from my walk it was gone.
 This is the closest thing to a self service pump you can get.  This truck pulled up with the big 50 gallon drums in the back.  He plugged in a portable pump and pumped the gas out of the drum into the shed.  If you look real close you can see the hose going from the truck into the shed.
 I think this is more for motorcycles.  Just after the truck left, a couple of motorcycles came and filled up.  You use cash to pump the gas.  This guy is making sure he gets every drop.  He is lifting the hose to empty it out.

 These two pictures are of Brother Noi that had his leg amputated.  The picture above is a picture of the wooden leg that they used at first to measure the height and stride of the leg.  The metal in the middle is to move the leg up and down and side to side.  They then built the leg below.  We are very happy for him.  He will be walking on his own soon, once he gets used to the new leg.

 These are our missionaries on Christmas Day 2016.  They came to the house to Skype.
This isn't a very good picture, but the best I could do while I was driving.  If you look really close in the truck are about 25 people all standing up.  This is how they get to work.  There are metal bars on the side to keep them in.  This is a little toyota truck.  They are crammed in there as tight as possible.  This is what you call truck pooling.