Tuesday, May 24, 2016

May 23, 2016

This is the best massaman curry you will ever have. It has carrots and potatoes and chicken legs and all kinds of good spices.

This is a house that is close by our housing area. They were moving and this is what the framework looks like.

A member made these two serpents. They are made from saw dust. He mixed it with glue and then formed them. Then he carved them.

This is a fruit. Very colorful. It is a bitter melon. When they start to get a little soft, they are ready to eat. Have not tasted one yet.

This is a tree at the entrance to the church. Very colorful with orange flowers. It just keeps blooming right now.

Friday, May 20, 2016

May 19, 2016

One of the hundreds of temples here in Chiang Mai.  This is a small one compared to others. 

This is Brother Somsayam.  It was quite the opportunity to Baptize him after teaching him 45 years ago.

This is the Post Office closest to the church.  This one is 3 stories tall.  Brother Somsayam above that was just baptized recently retired from the Post Office as a manager.  Quite the connection between me and him.

The work is going great.  It is very hot here right now.  It is the hottest in 70 years.  They need water.  We are a few weeks from when the rainy season starts.  the rain will be a welcome relief from the hot.  Our power bill has been a bit high due to the air running the whole time we are in the house and all night so you can sleep.  The food is great, especially the fruit.  Watermelon, cantaloupe, mango, papaya, grapes, litchi, rambuton, oranges, bananas, dragon fruit, apples.  We mostly cook at home.  The Elders and sisters eat out most everyday because it is easier and doesn't cost very much.  We have more time than they do to fix food.