In the process of helping the Elders today we went 214 kilometers. We went north to the mountains to visit a member. It was beautiful! The following pictures are just half of the story of today. The next post will have the rest of the story.
This was the path to his little house. He is in a wheel chair. His wife works in a city that is about 2 hours to the south. She goes on Monday and returns on Friday. She fixes him all his meals over the weekend so all he has to do is put them in the microwave. He takes care of all the yard that you see in these pictures.
There's a little old house in the middle of the woods. a little old man by the window stood. If we could have hung a hammock on his patio it would have been nap time. a little fish pond just off the patio with running water.
This is the pathway from his house to the road coming in. The house in the back is theirs also.
This is the bigger pond that is on the side of the path. We asked him if he caught fish and ate them. He replied not very often because he was tired of fish.
This was the stream that we had to cross to get to his place. We drove through it. It wasn't very deep but he said when it rained and the water rose you could not cross. We left just as it was starting to rain.
This is what you saw as you crossed the stream and entered into the yard. Pictures do not do it justice.